* Fix - Wrong out-of-base catalog prices of Composites with individually-priced Components when prices defined incl. tax.
* Fix - Group mode incorrectly modified for all Bundles, even those not grouped by a Composite.
* Fix - When aggregating component weights into the container item, composited variation weights are ignored when inherited by their parent variable product.
* Tweak - Refactored composite validation logic to make it easier to extend. Modified most back-end validation strings along the way -- these are displayed under very rare circumstances.
* Tweak/Important - The visibility of a conditionally hidden component is no longer affected by the state of any components coming after it. This makes the front-end behavior in single-product pages consistent with the back-end validation script, which was commonly failing when the visibility of a component depended on selections in components coming after it (with no possible fix for all uses).