WooCommerce Customer Order Coupon CSV Import Suite 3.12.0

Download WooCommerce Customer Order Coupon CSV Import Suite 3.12.0 from nulled fire. Import both customers and orders into WooCommerce from a CSV file.
* Tweak - Use direct SQL queries for background jobs to prevent caching issues on certain hosts
* Tweak - Use GET request to dispatch background jobs as a workaround to POST request rate-limiting issues on certain hosts
* Fix - Order data could be missing in some cases while creating orders with WooCommerce 3.0+
* Fix - Ensure refund dates use the proper format in WooCommerce 3.0+
* Tweak - Set order paid date when importing if using a paid order status
* Fix - Ensure that download permissions are properly granted on order imports
* Fix - Ensure that order dates are properly set in imports
* Fix - Ensure that certain custom data fields are preserved when omitted from a merged CSV