Woocommerce Elavon Converge Payment Gateway 2.14.0

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Download Woocommerce Elavon Converge Payment Gateway 2.14.0 from nulled fire. Take credit card payments with Elavon, the fourth largest merchant acquirer in North America.
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4
* Fix - Limit the length of billing fields to prevent potential errors when tokenizing credit cards
* Fix - Properly set a tokenized credit card's type in all cases
* Tweak - Remove the "Test Mode" setting for production accounts. It is no longer functional with the Converge API
* Fix - Always include Customer Code in credit card transactions in case it's required by the merchant account
* Fix - Remove invalid characters from customer inputs before sending to the Converge API