WooCommerce Google Product Feeds 11.0.7

Download WooCommerce Google Product Feeds 11.0.7 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Google Product Feeds let customers find you when shopping for products via Google.
* Change: WooCommerce 6.9 compatibility
* Change: Internal IDs are only added to the product review feed if there are no other identifiers
* Fix: Resolve some minor layout quirks and excess spacing on admin screens
* Fix: Admin screen didn't show default value when set to a taxonomy full-hierarchy pre-population
* New: WooCommerce 6.8 compatibility
* New: Submit feature requests from the extension pages
* Changes: Improved support links
WooCommerce Google Product Feeds 10.7.3
* New: Support for per-variation product identifiers from Yoast WooCommerce SEO