Woocommerce Local Pickup Plus 2.11.2

Download Woocommerce Local Pickup Plus 2.11.2 from nulled fire. Let customers pick up products from specific locations
* Feature - Notify via email a list of recipients, defined per pickup location, when a purchase with the matching pickup location is made
* Feature - Restrict certain pickup locations to specific products or product categories
* Feature - Choose pickup location on a per-item basis
* Feature - Pickup Appointments: allow customers to set a pickup appointment for collecting their purchases
* Feature - Define business hours for pickup collection, public holidays calendar, lead time, and pickup deadline for each pickup location
* Feature - More flexibility in forcing pickup or preventing pickup for certain products
* Feature - Import and export pickup locations individually or in bulk in CSV format
* Feature - Support for Google Maps Geocoding API to set pickup locations coordinates and search pickup locations by distance
* Feature - Added compatibility for WooCommerce Print Invoices & Packing Lists to display pickup data on documents
* Feature - Added compatibility for WooCommerce Customer Order CSV Export and WooCommerce Customer Order XML Export Suite to export orders by pickup locations and add pickup information to exported orders
* Tweak - Filter orders by pickup locations in the orders list
* Misc - Complete rewrite to enhancing stability and performance
* Misc - Various other small fixes and improvements
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce Subscriptions versions older than 2.0.0
* Dev - Add pickup data for orders in WC API order response and webhook payload
* Dev - Uses a custom post type for handling pickup locations: manage pickup locations using a familiar interface
* Dev - Uses custom tables to store pickup locations geocoded data
* Localization - Added Italian translation
* Fix - When the default shipping destination is the customer shipping address and simultaneously hiding the shipping address when local pickup plus is the chosen shipping method, checkout can't be processed
* Fix - A notice would be thrown from WooCommerce when using discounts and WooCommerce Subscriptions is active
* Fix - Percentage discounts were no longer being applied correctly
* Fix - Resolves an issue at checkout with Subscriptions 2.1.4+
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4