* Fix: [WC3.0] Get a variation product parent product ID is a WC version compatible way. PR#290
* Fix: Display the list of product names added to the cart when using add-to-cart url parameters. PR#302
* Fix: Update the `woocommerce_cart_item_quantity` filters to include the cart item argument. PR#311
* Fix: Update the `woocommerce_cart_item_quantity` filters to include the cart item argument. PR#311
* Fix: Fix display issues when displaying products with long names in the One Page Checkout edit page modal. PR#315
* Fix: Ensure Ajax request URLs use relative format to avoid issues when the site is `https` but the current page is `http`. PR#310
* Fix: Search for products by visibility in a WC version compatible way. Fixes an issue were OPC pages using category_ids shortcode args were not displaying any products.