WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.1

Download WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.1 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Product Bundles Create and offer highly configurable product bundles.
* Fix - Resolved PHP notice triggered when using Product Bundles together with Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce.
* Fix - Fixed incorrect cart price for Name Your Price bundled variation.
* Fix - Resolved an issue with adding Bundles with optional items to orders via the mobile app.
* Tweak - Re-designed Product Data > Shipping notice about Unassembled Bundles.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the cart/checkout Blocks.
* Fix - Resolved a compatibility issue with Zapier related to the existence of the order object in REST API context.
* Fix - Important: Security improvements.
* Fix - Important: Updated the 'bundle-add-to-cart-wrap.php' template to resolve an issue that prevented Bundle notices from showing up when the mini-cart block was used.
* Tweak - Use admin theme colors in admin.
* Fix - Ensure that the 'Currently editing' notice shows up in the block-based Single Product Template when editing a Bundle.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the Minimum/Maximum size validation from running on the block-based Single Product template.