WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.1

Download WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.1 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Product Bundles Create and offer highly configurable product bundles.
* New - Introduced compatibility with AutomateWoo - Abandoned Carts.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error that was triggered when a bundled variation with Minimum/Maximum Quantity rules was deleted
* Fix - Fixed compatibility notices with Product Addons and Min/Max Quantities.
* New - Introduced 'woocommerce_bundled_item_get_unfiltered_regular_price_start' and 'woocommerce_bundled_item_get_unfiltered_regular_price_end' action hooks.
* Fix - Fixed a PHP warning that showed up when importing products without bundled items.
* Fix - Fixed tracking data for priced individually bundled items whose prices are hidden in product templates.