WooCommerce Product Search 5.4.0

Download WooCommerce Product Search 5.4.0 from nulled fire. Make sure customers find what they want when they search your site.
* Updated WPML / WooCommerce Multilingual compatibility to support untranslated products related to translated terms. Requires rebuilding the index to take effect.
* Solved links to translated taxonomy terms leading to 404s with WPML as they are not correctly recognized without the lang URL parameter.
* Improved the way live search field results are obtained to take appropriate variation-related results into account.
* Fixed locale-specific issues with searches not producing expected results when search terms contain accented characters. Rebuilding the index is recommended if such issues are present.
* Fixed PHP 8 deprecated notices in our term walker class due to required parameters following a parameter unnecessarily declared as optional.
* Fixed product taxonomies named using non-alphanumeric characters would not have their terms indexed.
* Fixed issues where terms with no related products should be shown, they were not included (requires rebuilding the index to take effect).
* Using specific Font Awesome solid (900) icon set to avoid clashes with the reduced icon set in its regular (400) icon set. Fixes issues with icons used in Storefront appearing incorrectly.
* Fixed filter reset not appropriately shown when filters are displayed as type "Select".
* Improved price slider UX with added support for touch events.
* WordPress 5.6 compatible.
* WordPress 5.7 compatible.
* WooCommerce 5.0 compatible.
* WooCommerce 5.1 compatible.
* Improved welcome styling.
* Updated included fonts.
* Updated the Storefront-specific CSS to explicitly use font-weight 900 for star rating, as Storefront (currently at 3.5.0) only imports the 900 font-weight Font Awesome Free but we also use 400, it got overridden resulting in hollow stars instead of solid ones.
* Added support for WooCommerce Admin navigation with sections for overview, reports, settings and the assistant.
* Fixed incorrect pagination links produced by the [woocommerce_product_filter_products] shortcode in certain conditions.
* Fixed our cron test not indicating an error when performing the HTTP request using the POST method fails to obtain a response.
* Fixed message indicating deferred processing should not be logged when there are no further variations to process.
* Updated the indexing strategy to handle extended cases of product modifications via API and keep our index in sync.
* Updated the compatibility with WPML to solve issues introduced by WPML filter hooks that revert terms to their originals instead of their translations.
* Fixed an issue where filter thumbnails would initially not be displayed when dropdown style is used for category or attribute filters.