WooCommerce Smart Coupons 8.22.0

Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons 8.22.0 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Smart Coupons create gift certificates, store credit, coupons based on purchases.
* Fix: Notice: Undefined variable: user_role during guest checkout
* Fix: Notice: Undefined variable: email during guest checkout
* Update: POT file
* Update: Coupon shareable link not working with page slug or page id
* Update: Ignore usage restriction related to user roles when the coupon is getting applied from admin side
* Update: POT file
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.4.1
* Fix: 1-click coupon apply not working with CheckoutWC
* Fix: WordPress database error Table doesn't exist when referring to users table in a multisite environment [Thanks to: Bradley Cross]
* Update: During manual creation of order from admin side, allow application of coupon that is restricted for user roles
* Update: POT file