WooCommerce Smart Coupons 8.22.0

Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons 8.22.0 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Smart Coupons create gift certificates, store credit, coupons based on purchases.
* New: Option to add custom style for coupons using CSS
* New: Apply multiple coupons from URL
* New: Setting to allow the buyer to send coupons to someone else (By default: Enabled)
* New: Save original store credit value in the coupon meta when it is auto-generated
* New: Copy coupon code action on coupons dashboard
* New: Get coupon shareable link on coupons dashaboard and edit coupon page
* Update: Support for performing smart coupons actions on order statuses which are added by 3rd party plugins
* Update: Docs, Support & Review links on plugins page
* Update: Admin Footer text for Smart Coupons pages
* Tweak: Export button on coupons dashboard
* Update: POT file
* New: Setting to allow combining of coupons emails when multiple emails are sent to the same recipient
* New: Restrict Coupons by User Roles
* Fix: Store Credit's amount not decreasing even after applying the discount on the renewal order [WooCommerce Subscriptions]
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Not showing coupon receiver detail form under checkout section [WooCommerce One Page Checkout] IS#84
* Fix: Display of gift card amount in summary of the linked coupons when setting 'Sell store credit at less price' is enabled
* Fix: Duplicate coupon showing on cart, checkout & my account page
* Update: Updated code as per the latest version of WordPress Standard
* Update: Prevent unnecessary loading of some JavaScript code
* Update: Prevent unnecessary database call for options 'wc_sc_coupon_code_length', 'sc_store_credit_singular_text', 'sc_store_credit_plural_text', 'sa_cbl_additional_locations'
* Update: jQuery improvements related to deprecated functions, replaced '.live' with '.on'
* Update: Make the word 'Now' & 'Later' translatable
* Update: POT file