* Dev: Retrieving users subscriptions order has been updated to use the WooCommerce specific APIs in WC_Subscriptions_Order.
* Dev: Deprecate the WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_meta() function. Use wcs_get_objects_property( $order, $meta_key, "single", $default ) instead.
* Dev: Update the wcs_get_objects_property() function to prevent calls to get_post_meta() on objects that support calling the get_meta() function.
* Dev: Replace the get_post_meta() calls in WCS_Post_Meta_Cache_Manager with WC_Order::get_meta().
* Dev: Replace code using get_post_type( $order_id ) with WC Data Store get_order_type().
* Dev: Replace all cases of update_post_meta() where an Order ID is passed to use WC_Order::update_meta_data() instead.