* Fix: Points and Rewards discounts (including WC Coupons when Points and Rewards is active) being removed from the cart when applied on the checkout page.
* Fix: Subscriptions with one-time shipping having shipping charged on all renewal orders.
* Fix: Rare fatal error caused by missing WC_Query class.
* Fix: Make loading the variation edit product tab more performant on large sites.
* Fix: Add a primary key to the last payment temporary table to improve compatibility with some hosts on larger sites.
* Tweak: Update the wording when a customer edits their subscription address that this applies to "future renewals".
* Dev: Add missing `woocommerce_rest_pre_insert_shop_subscription_object` filter to prepare_object_for_database() within the Subscriptions REST API controller class.
* Dev: Add a `data-payment-method` attribute to the Early Renewal modal button action.