WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.2.0

Download WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.2.0 from nulled fire. Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.
* Fix a bug that would lead to switch log entries not including all information. PR#3441
* Fix fatal errors that would occur on the admin edit order screen on staging sites. PR#3443
* Performance: Sort subscription related order IDs on the application layer with rsort() instead of MySQL orderby clause. PR#3442
* New: New option to allow customers with automatically renewing subscriptions to renew early via a modal rather than going through the checkout. PR#3293
* New: Link subscription report counts in the 'by date' report to order and subscription listing page. PR#3318
* New: Add different message and link to documentation for store managers when no payment methods available on checkout. PR#3340
* New: Add a note and a tooltip explaining locked manual subscriptions on staging sites. PR#3327
* New: Use the switching flow to enable items to be added to existing subscriptions. PR#3394
* New: Log switch debug information when a switch order is processed. PR#3424
* Tweak: Use sentence case for table and section headings in customer facing templates. PR#3392,#3407,#3412,#3432
* Tweak: Make improvements to the subscription admin dashboard reports. Fixes misalignment issues on certain display sizes. PR#3401
* Tweak: Update the PayPal admin notices to be more correct based on if Standard is enabled or not. PR#3393
* Tweak: Display PayPal type specific features in the System Status and feature tooltip. PR#3411
* Tweak: Display un-loadable orders in the subscriptions related order table. PR#3342
* Tweak: Always pass product instances to WC_Subscriptions_Product methods. PR#3396
* Tweak: Update the ended subscriptions report legend key for more grammatically correct option. PR#3415
* Tweak: Disable the auto-renewal toggle on staging sites. PR#3387
* Fix: Refactor the WC_Subscriptions_Switcher::calculate_prorated_totals() function and fix a number of switching issues in the process. PR#3250
* Fix: Keep the trial end when switching between two products with matching trial periods when the subscription is still on trial. PR#3409
* Fix: Use the last order's paid date in switching calculations when determining the number of days consumed in the current cycle. PR#3420
* Fix: Ignore the WP_SITEURL global on multisites when determining the site URL for staging sites. PR#3397
* Fix: Repair subscription line items with missing `_has_trial` line item meta. PR#3239
* Fix: Only retrieve subscriptions with the product as a line item - exclude switched and removed products while using `wcs_get_subscriptions_for_product()`. PR#3386
* Fix: Don't display tax values in recurring cart section when taxes aren't enabled under certain circumstances. PR#3408
* Fix: Trigger the `woocommerce_before\after_add_to_cart_quantity` actions on the subscription single product pages.
* Fix: [WC 3.7] Include the "additional content" in subscription-related emails.
* Fix: [WC 3.7] Remove uses of deprecated $order->get_used_coupons().
* Fix: Copy or replace fees from cart to subscription while switching.
* Fix: Save subscription after setting payment meta via wcs_set_payment_meta(). Fixes issues after updating the payment meta before payment retry.
* Fix: Don't allow users to partially pay for renewal orders if some products are out of stock. This was previously fixed by broke in Subscriptions 2.1.
* Fix: Add filter which can be turned on to allow out of stock manual renewals to pass cart and checkout validations.
* Performance: Limit the "product has a subscription" query to just a single result to be more performant.
* Dev: [WC 3.7] Only use deprecated woocommerce_before_cart_item_quantity_zero hooks on WC pre 3.7.
* Dev: Introduce WCS_Dependent_Hook_Manager class to assist in attaching callbacks on specific WC versions.
* Dev: Add BEM classes to templates and make general code improvements.
* Fix: Check for any free shipping which has its requirements met - not just the first one. PR#3329
* Fix: Fix un-purchasability issues with limited subscriptions in manual renewal carts. PR#3358
* Tweak: Update email address to create support admin user with. PR#3363
* Tweak: Update the plugin headers to include Automattic. PR#3365