WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.2.0

Download WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.2.0 from nulled fire. Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.
* Add: Introduce a new REST API endpoint to create subscription(s) from a given order. This endpoint is available at POST `/wc/v3/orders/{order_id}/subscriptions` and accepts a single order ID.
* Add: When a customer toggles automatic renewals on or off via their My Account page, add a note to the subscription to record that event.
* Fix: Set and update a subscription's trial end date via the REST API.
* Fix: Ensure the `woocommerce_subscription_renewal_payment_complete` hook is always triggered when processing early renewals via the checkout page (introduced in 5.6.0).
* Fix: When a subscription is flagged as requiring manual payments, allow admin users to turn on automatic payments for a subscription via the Edit Subscription page by selecting a new payment method.
* Fix: When processing an early renewal order, make sure the suspension count is reset back to 0 on payment complete.
* Fix: Ensure proper backfilling of subscription metadata (i.e. dates and cache) to the postmeta table when HPOS is enabled and compatibility mode (data syncing) is turned on.
* Fix: Fetch and update the `_cancelled_email_sent` meta in a HPOS compatibile way.
* Dev: Introduce a new wcs_get_subscription_grouping_key() function to generate a unique key for a subscription based on its billing schedule. This function uses the existing recurring cart key concept.
* Dev: Deprecate the WC_Subscriptions_Synchroniser::add_to_recurring_cart_key(). Use WC_Subscriptions_Synchroniser::add_to_recurring_product_grouping_key() instead.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 6.5.0
* Add: Introduce the "Subscription Relationship" column under the Orders list admin page when HPOS is enabled.
* Add: Use admin theme color and the correct WooCommerce colors.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that caused subscriptions to go on-hold when a customer fails or abandons an early renewal order payment.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that caused subscriptions with an unpaid early renewal order to be incorrectly considered as needing payment.
* Fix: When HPOS is enabled, make the orders_by_type_query filter box work in the WooCommerce orders screen.
* Fix: Ensure renewal orders paid via the Block Checkout are correctly linked to their subscription.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that caused paying for failed/pending parent orders that include Product Add-ons to not calculate the correct total.
* Fix: Ensure the order needs processing transient is deleted when a subscription order (eg renewal) is created. Fixes issues with renewal orders going straight to a completed status.
* Fix: Store the correct subscription start date in postmeta and ordermeta when HPOS and data syncing is being used.
* Fix: When HPOS is enabled, deleting a customer will now delete their subscriptions.
* Fix: Missing styles on the Edit Subscription page when HPOS is enabled.
* Fix: Resolve an issue that would cause additional subscriptions to be created when completing a switch via the Block Checkout.
* Fix: Resolve an issue that would cause 3rd party plugin edit product fields with the show_if_variable-subscription class to be incorrectly hidden.
* Fix: Allow gateways to execute action on payment method deletion before updating the subscription.
* Fix: Ensure subscriptions have a date created that correctly accounts for the site's timezone. Fixes issues with subscriptions having a date created double the site's UTC offset.
* Fix: When HPOS is enabled, fix quick-editing the subscription statuses on the admin list table.
* Dev: PHP 8.2: Fix "Creation of dynamic property" warnings.
* Dev: PHP 8.2: Fix "Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated" warnings.
* Dev: PHP warnings from using debug_backtrace().
* Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 6.4.0
* Dev: Updated the hooks for Checkout Blocks, replacing the deprecated `woocommerce_blocks_checkout_` prefixed hooks with `woocommerce_store_api_checkout`
* Tweak - Use admin theme color in selectors.
* Tweak - Change plugin name to Woo Subscriptions.