* New: Include subscription paid and completed UTC dates in REST API subscriptions response.
* Fix: When switching during a free trial the days in the new cycle are equal to the days in the old cycle. This returns next payment date calculations to what it was pre 2.3.3.
* Fix: Make sure to display the inactive plugin notice on sites running unsupported WC versions.
* Fix: Reinstate the _customer_user admin subscriptions table filter by customer $_GET arg.
* Tweak: Automatically add download permissions for manually created subscriptions.
* Tweak: Modify renewal order staging note to include URLs of the live and staging site.
* Tweak: Rename WC_Subscriptions_Change_Payment_Gateway::store_pay_shortcode_mesages().
* Tweak: Set "add to cart" and "place order" button text settings to default if no value is provided.
* Fix: Exclude customers with at least 1 subscription from the WC inactivity user cleanup query. PR#2830
* Fix: Calculate PayPal trial args from the next payment date while resubscribing before the subscription's end date. PR#2828
* Fix: Only display the 2.3 upgrade notice after plugin upgrade, not after install. PR#2869
* Tweak: Add 'woocommerce_subscriptions_can_user_renew_early' filter to allow third-parties to filter renew early eligibility. PR#2859
* Tweak: Include resubscribe data in the subscription REST API response. PR#2863
* Tweak: Improve the performance of some queries by using cached customer subscriptions instead of meta queries. PR#2856
* Tweak: Improve the performance of the query which generates the data for the Subscriptions by Date report. PR#2788
* Tweak: Give customers the option to update their subscription tokens after changing their default method. PR#2819
* New: Add filter to bypass coupon removal for recurring carts. PR#2832
* Fix: Check if subscription is payable before populating the cart with a renewal order. PR#2838
* Fix: Add a margin to the bottom of subscription information email table to better align with other sections of the email. PR#2853
* Fix: Prevent infinite loops which can occur while trying to repair PayPal Standard subscriptions with `S-****` Profile IDs. PR#2848
* Fix: [WC3.4.4] Check refunded order totals in a WC version compatible way. Fixes an issue where limited coupons weren't removed after reaching their limit. PR#2850
* Tweak: Require payment for recurring carts which contain limited coupons which will expire and then require payment.