WooCommerce WishLists 2.3.1

Download WooCommerce WishLists 2.3.1 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Wishlists allows guests and customers to create and add products to Wishlists.
* Update: Change asset enqueue to use asset version string.
* Update: Add filter to disable the storing of wishlist transients.
* Update: Update the viewing metabox to include variable product information.
* Update: Add wishlistid as the second parameter to the message filters.
* Update: Added woocommerce_wishlist_wishlist_ready_to_move_message and woocommerce_wishlist_wishlist_ready_to_move_cancel_url filters.
* Update: Minify CSS, move script loading to footer.
* Fix: Fix issue where products sold individually could not be added to the cart from a list.
* Update: Include support for Variable Subscription products.
* Update: Check if composite product and if so, check for multiple bundled products.
* Update: Fix edit template to include the checkbox
* Update: Allow filtering of default Wishlist arguments.
* Update: Assign temporary lists to a user if they logon to an existing account.
* Update: Remove extra trailing ?> from the share a list email template.
* Update: Clear wishlist cache when users logon.
* Update: Add wc_wishlists_transient_timeout filter to control how long the users lists are cached.
* Fix: Fix the color pickers for the wishlist button and button text in the admin settings area.
* Update: Update styles for better support for StoreFront and responsive tables.
* Fix: Pass 4th parameter to the woocommerce_add_cart_item_data filter.
* Update: Disable Gutenberg editor on the Wishlists admin screen