WP All Export Pro 1.9.2-beta-1.8

Download WP All Export Pro 1.9.2-beta-1.8 from nulled fire. WP All Export Pro export anything in WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel.
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
improvement: add support for ‘Migrate’ and bulk edit for new add-on API
bug fix: PHP warning when WooCommerce Export Add-On isn't installed
bug fix: some filters do not work with HPOS WooCommerce orders
bug fix: notices when retrieving some WooCommerce order meta fields
bug fix: SQL errors in some cases when using RTE with filters
bug fix: term meta doesn't show when editing export template
bug fix: HPOS orders are not detected with the free order export add-on
bug fix: identify post type when using WP_Query export
bug fix: restore compatibility with free order export add-on
bug fix: Gravity Forms RTE exports include all records
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
improvement: require the 'setup_network' meta capability for access
bug fix: order meta not included when only stored in HPOS tables
bug fix: real time exports don't run for records imported via a cron import
bug fix: PHP notice breaking Automatic Scheduling calls when display errors is enabled
bug fix: generate a valid tab delimited file for GMC exports
bug fix: manage exports page not honoring date and time formats set in WordPress
bug fix: do not remove HTML markup from GMC description field
bug fix: only one order item is exported in custom XML exports when HPOS is enabled
bug fix: the export file is sometimes deleted after export when WP All Import is active
bug fix: all orders are exported when using real time exports with HPOS only
bug fix: new Add-On API field sections not showing for Order exports (requires WooCommerce Export Add-On version 1.0.10 beta 1.4+)
bug fix: only retrieve shop_order record type from HPOS
bug fix: fatal error when exporting WooCommerce Customers
bug fix: license key is jumbled if AUTH_SALT changes
bug fix: fatal error if HPOS enabled and no valid order found when exporting order meta
bug fix: deprecation notice when running user exports
bug fix: add missing parameter to PMXE_Admin_Export class
bug fix: parse error when using custom functions with certain values
bug fix: fatal error when saving exports in some cases
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
bug fix: restore compatibility with PHP 7.4
bug fix: Gravity Forms add-on exporting HTML encoded values