WP Job Manager - Applications 3.2.0

Download WP Job Manager - Applications 3.2.0 from nulled fire. Lets candidates submit applications to jobs which are stored on the employers jobs page.
* Compatibility fix with WP Job Manager 1.33.0 that shows values of application fields in WP admin's application editor.
* Change - Move to Select2 for enhanced select fields and support with WP Job Manager 1.32.0 asset management.
* Fix - In form editor, clear rules when switching to output content field.
* Fix - Properly format CSV export of job listing applications.
* Dev - Adds `job_application_meta` filter.
* Feature - Adds user data export using WordPress core's "Export Personal Data" tool.
* Feature - Adds optional deletion of applications when using WordPress core's "Erase Personal Data" tool.
* Change - Applications are now deleted when deleting a user without merging content.
* Change - Some HTML is now allowed in field labels and descriptions.