WP Job Manager - Applications 3.2.0

Download WP Job Manager - Applications 3.2.0 from nulled fire. Lets candidates submit applications to jobs which are stored on the employers jobs page.
* Fix: jQuery 3.x compatibility.
* Fix: Show application form on error, but don't scroll.
* Fix: Make dynamic fields translatable.
* Enhancement: Adds the option to have a reCAPTCHA field on the application form.
* Enhancement: Adds `date` field to the application form editor (Requires WP Job Manager 1.34.1).
* Enhancement: Prevent duplicate application submissions on page refresh.
* Enhancement: Include resume files on application email notifications.
* Enhancement: Make searching meta in WP Admin Applications page more efficient.
* Change: Do not allow candidates to apply with hidden resumes.
* Change: Multiple fields can have the `attachment` rule to send files in notifications.
* Change: Use WordPress date format on application listings table in WP Admin.
* Change: Clarify `Website URL Application Method` settings effect on the Application Method field on job listings.
* Dev: Applied jobs now have a `job-applied` class added to the wrapping element.
* Minor change for compatibility with WP Job Manager 1.34.0 by setting the menu order in WP admin.