Wp Rocket 3.15.10

Download Wp Rocket 3.15.10 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
2.9.3 19 January, 2017
  • Enhancement: add filters for cache busting filename and static file created from dynamic CSS/JS
  • Enhancement: use a text field instead of a dropdown list for the CloudFlare domain value, prefilled with the domain of the current website
  • Fix: prevent some files from being saved in the cache busting if they don't use ?ver or use an unusual query string
  • Fix: prevent fatal error with SF Move Login 2.4 and above
  • Fix: prevent an issue with background-image URL and CDN when the URL is surrounded by "
  • Fix: prevent a JS file being loaded twice when using remove query strings + CDN + defer loading
2.9.2 11 January, 2017
  • Enhancement: Apply CDN URL to images displayed with wp_get_attachment_image_src()
  • Enhancement: Preserve Yandex comments during HTML minification
  • Enhancement: save CloudFlare IPs in a transient to prevent calls to the CloudFlare API
  • Fix: Replace spaces in cache busting path to prevent loading issue with the cache busting files
  • Fix: Do not minify if request is a POST method to prevent JS files to be added in the footer of a not cached page
  • Fix: Check if post type is an object before purge to prevent a PHP warning
  • Fix: Correctly remove the cache busting folder when uninstalling WP Rocket
  • Fix: Force int type for CloudFlare browser cache TTL value
2.9.1 28 December, 2016
  • Enhancement: Improved compatibility with WP Retina 2x
  • Enhancement: Compatibility with WeePie cookie allow plugin
  • Fix: Correctly add version number to filename when the option "remove query strings from static resources is active"
  • Fix: Don't apply the CDN URL on some links that should not have it
  • Fix: Insert static Simple Custom CSS file later to respect the stylesheets order
  • Fix: Use the correct host value when using a subdomain on a multisite with domain mapping
  • Update Brazilian translation