wpDiscuz - Online Users 7.0.6

Download wpDiscuz - Online Users 7.0.6 from nulled fire. The wpDiscuz Online Users enhances WordPress comment sections by displaying online/offline status.
wpDiscuz – Online Users is a plugin designed specifically for WordPress websites, aiming to enhance user engagement and interaction on your platform.

With wpDiscuz – Online Users, you have the ability to customize the display of online users' information to suit your website's design and layout preferences.

wpDiscuz – Online Users Features:​

- This plugin allows users to see and track online users on their WordPress website.
- Provides real-time information about the number of online users.
- Displays the usernames, avatars, and roles of online users.
- Allows customization of the look and feel of the online users widget.
- Gives the option to show online users in posts, pages, or other specific locations on the website.
- Provides a powerful dashboard with various statistics and analytics about online users.
- Shows the timestamps of when users joined and when they were last active.
- Allows the website administrator to manually set the user's activity status.
- Supports integration with the wpDiscuz comment system for enhanced user engagement.
- Provides detailed user insights such as IP address, browser, operating system, and more.
- Offers additional features like online counter animations and tooltips for user information.

wpDiscuz - Online Users

(26.8 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By