WPForms Basic

Download WPForms Basic from nulled fire. WPForms the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress form builder in the market.
### Added
- Forms can now be saved as user templates for future use.
- New `Price Display` option was added for Single Item payment field.
- Shipping and Billing addresses can now be configured on the Form Builder > Payments > Stripe screen.
- New filter `wpforms_integrations_stripe_api_common_create_plan_name` to filter Stripe subscription plan name.
- New filter `wpforms_integrations_lite_connect_api_request_timeout` to filter Lite Connect request timeout.
- New filter `wpforms_pro_integrations_lite_connect_api_batch_size` to filter batch size for retrieving site entries from the Lite Connect API.
- New `Row/Column` display option was added for the Layout field.
- New styling/theming settings in the Block editor.
- New context menu in the Form Builder for quick actions.

### Changed
- New design for the Email Summaries email template with a weekly total and entry submission trends.
- The state of selected stat cards on the Payments Overview chart is preserved when applying date filtering.
- Updated `stripe/stripe-php` library to v13.15.0.
- Updated `woocommerce/action-scheduler` library to v3.7.2.
- Updated DOMPurify library to 3.0.9.
- Updated intl-tel-input library to v20.1.0.
- Adjusted notifications on the empty forms screen.
- HTML tags are allowed in the Order Summary for the Total payment field.
- Improved the logic of displaying valid provider connections in the form builder.
- When the entry is marked as not spam, submit data to Akismet for learning and help make the Web a better place for everyone.
- Improved error handling when creating or updating a form.
- Improved fields layout on the frontend for better user experience on mobile devices.
- Bring the frontend markup of the form more in line with the W3C standards to reduce validator errors.
- Removed remove file action.

### Fixed
- Automatic and unintentional popup of the "What's New" modal on the WordPress admin dashboard.
- Various visual issues with the "What's New" modal.
- Various RTL problems in the admin dashboard, form builder and a form preview page.
- Various responsive issues on admin pages.
- The Paragraph field was allowed horizontal resizing.
- Make sure we output valid robots.txt file rules if the file is empty.
- PHP notices were thrown in some cases when Stripe subscription renewals were created.
- Customer email was shown instead of customer name on the Payments Overview screen for Stipe subscription renewals in some cases.
- Forms having many fields with conditional logic loaded slowly on the frontend.
- The builder sidebar was hidden on the context menu edit actions.
- File Upload field keyboard issue on some mobile devices.
- Fatal error was thrown on the frontend with corrupted form data.
- `0` (zero) as a choices field raw value was not saved.
- The payment single field had the wrong spacing with enabled quantities.
- JavaScript error when conditional logic "Show if not empty" is applied to a dropdown field.
- Various layout and validation issues on Edit Entry page.
- Long placeholders being broken into multiple lines after Safari 17.3.1 update.
- Media upload did not work in some cases on mobile devices.
- Placeholder option was hidden for the Single Item field with 'user defined' type.
- Incorrect prices in the Order Summary table when items in the Checkbox Items field had the hyphen symbol.
- Improved Select a date range field on mobile devices on the Form Entries page.
- Entries search didn't work for non-UTF8 charsets.
- Modern multiple select fields with long placeholder text overlapped a drop-down arrow.
- The password field overlapped the Phone field dropdown.
- Infinite loading button was shown on mobile devices in some cases.
- Incorrect value was displayed for the Date / Time field with the Time format and configured Limit Hours on the Edit Entry screen.
- Multisite activation: plugin should stay activated on a single site after user activated it on a network level.
- It was impossible to modify entry values of some fields on the Single Entry screen using the `wpforms_html_field_value` filter.
- After updating a form entry, the date format of the modified date was different.
- Incorrect value was displayed for Number Slider field in case of using multiple {value} tags.
- There was a race condition with invisible reCaptcha v2, preventing form submission in some edge cases.
- Elementor widget styles were broken due to a conflict with the Gutenberg block.
- In some cases addon was not marked as connected in the form builder despite having configured connection.
- Time showing incorrectly on the Edit Entry screen for the Date / Time field when the time format was 24h.
- Edited entry data was not saved on some server configurations.
- Some unnecessary inline styles were applied for email notifications with HTML tags.
- Payment fields weren't reflected properly in the Order Summary table in some cases.
- The content field had a visual issue when the expanded editor was used in some cases.
- WPCode Install/Activate modal and Entries Education Modal now look better on mobile screens.
- `{author_*}` and `{page_*}` smart tags were returning incorrect results in some cases.
- The form was not sent if it was in an Elementor popup with a phone field.
- Incorrect styles were applied for "Order Summary" table in some cases.
## [] - 2024-02-29
### Changed
- "What's New" modal should be displayed based on the major version of the plugin.
- Improved Akismet integration efficiency.

### Fixed
- Antispam token was passed as a simple form field, not protected from spam bots.
- PHP warning was thrown in case of anonymous form submission when User ID smart tag was used.
- Image positioning in the "What's New" blocks wasn't always correct.
- The recommended plugin block in the Dashboard widget could not be dismissed.
- Modal windows were not displayed on small screens.
- The animation for opening the "What's New" modal worked improperly when the modal had small content.
- The background was not entirely dimmed when scrolling the "What's New" popup.
### Fixed
- The form submission was not working if the customer used a snippet for the phone field.
- The form submission triggered an error on sites with long-term page caching.
- Page URL smart tag value was incorrect in some cases.