WPForms Basic

Download WPForms Basic from nulled fire. WPForms the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress form builder in the market.
### Added
- Form generation with AI.
- The Settings section in the WPForms admin bar menu.
- Toggle allowing to turn specific notifications on or off.
- Update Stripe payments status after canceling a refund in the Stripe dashboard.
- Open the URL in the new tab for Confirmations.
- Repeater fields support for the Entry CSV Attachment settings.
- New `$row_id` parameter to the `wpforms_pre_update_{$type}` and `wpforms_post_update_{$type}` actions.
- AI chat warning messages if prohibited code has been removed.
- Default values for the Spam Protection and Security > Keyword Filter List on the Builder screen.

### Changed
- Addons not passing the requirements are not deactivated now.
- Updated jquery.validate library to 1.21.0.
- Updated stripe/stripe-php library to 16.1.0.
- Updated DOMPurify library to 3.1.7.
- Updated woocommerce/action-scheduler library to 3.8.2.
- Updated Chart.js library to v4.4.4.
- Smart tags are no longer processed in WordPress builders, such as Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi Builder, etc.
- Spam entries flagged through the Country & Keyword filters are now stored.

### Fixed
- Cloned Repeater fields were not visible in form confirmations when Ajax form submission was disabled.
- The country code was incorrect when the default flag was set in the Smart Phone Field with GDPR.
- RTL layout of the Repeater field on the front end.
- RTL layout of the Layout and Repeater fields in the builder.
- There was unnecessary space in the value of the HTML field on the Entry Print Preview screen.
- The Smart Phone field entry value was wrong in some cases.
- There was a potential infinite recursion in error handling.
- Improved performance on the Templates page in the Form Builder.
- Field labels were printed in the Order Summary table when the Hide Label option was enabled.
- The Likert scale field values were not exported if column names contained numbers.
- The update notice did not appear on the plugins page on WordPress.com.
- Order summary ignored some payment fields on multi-page forms.
- Resolved W3C errors and warnings reported for the Fancy fields.
- In some cases, adding a new account in Form Builder did not load the account data correctly.
- The currency symbol sometimes moved to the second line when the amount was too long.
- Table styles were broken in the Rich Text field smart tag.
- Improved translation handling for addon names and descriptions.
- Order Summary performance issue on large forms containing numerous payment conditional logic fields.
- Repeater cloned fields were not added to Resend Notifications.
- Warning for unsaved changes appeared upon visiting the Marketing tab when no changes were made.
- Form fields were lost when saving a form with addon fields when the addon was deactivated.
- Mapped First/Last Name sub-fields were replaced by another after the initial field was deleted.
- An extra field was displayed when WPForms were embedded using a shortcode in the Footer.
- Country selector was missed for the preview of the Phone field in the builder.
- The non-Latin characters were not supported for the AI Choices prompt.
### Fixed
- The Dropdown field placeholder was disabled on the Divi Builder preview screen.
- When sending a form with an incorrect nonce field, no error was displayed.
- An extra field was displayed when a form was embedded using a shortcode in the Footer.
### Fixed
- Order Summary table ignored some payment fields on multi-page forms.
- Update notice did not appear on the plugins page on WordPress.com sites.
- PHP warnings appeared with WordPress widgets.