WPForms Conversational Forms Addon 1.15.0

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Download WPForms Conversational Forms Addon 1.15.0 from nulled fire. Conversational Forms by WPForms is a perfect Typeform alternative for WordPress
- Support for PHP 5.5 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.5, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing the new WPForms Conversational Forms. Failure to do that will disable the WPForms Conversational Forms plugin.

### Added
- New filter `wpforms_conversational_forms_frontend_handle_request_form_data` that can be used to improve multi-language support.

### Changed
- Minimum WPForms version supported is 1.7.5.
- Reorganized locations of 3rd party libraries.
- Date field can be filled in when using the Date Picker with custom date formats.

### Fixed
- Incorrect canonical and og:url page meta values produced by the Yoast SEO plugin.
- Users with editor permissions were unable to save Conversational Forms slugs.
- Improved an error message color for the modern file upload field.
- Missing styles for links added to the Conversational Message.
- Conditional logic was processed incorrectly for the Multiple Dropdown field.
- Correctly display a placeholder for the Modern Dropdown field in the Firefox browser.
- Single Dropdown field didn't work on mobile devices.
- Date/Time field didn't support flatpickr's `range` and `multiple` modes.
- Date/Time field with 24h format for the timepicker wasn't working properly on mobile devices.
- Form couldn't be submitted when a dropdown date option is selected for the required Date/Time field and Conditional Logic applied to the field.
- Opening a mobile device's keyboard for text fields removed focus from the field which was closing keyboard.
- Improved compatibility with Entry Preview and Rich Text fields.
### Changed
- Visual difference between radio and checkbox elements of Likert Scale field.
- "Next/Previous" footer buttons are bigger for small screens.
- Radio inputs and select elements look more like traditional HTML elements on mobile.
- Improved styling for Authorize.Net and legacy Stripe CC fields on desktop and mobile.
- Disable autogenerated the `og:description` meta tag in the Rank Math plugin.
- The LikertScale field with a single response per row scrolls to the next row/field on change.
- Radio/Checkbox field items scroll into view while selecting with arrow keys.
- Form Locker UI enhancement when used in conversational mode.

### Fixed
- Compatibility issue with Google v2 reCAPTCHA on certain mobile devices.
- The `nav_menu_item` post type is included in the pool when checking the Conversational Form page slug for uniqueness.
- Textarea and page footer appearance in IE11.
- `blockquote`, `ul`, `ol` elements styling in a form description and a confirmation message.
- Page footer logo appearance in portrait and landscape mobile layouts.
- For the fields without a label, the number indicator is not shown.
- "Hide label" option is not processed for the fields.
- Horizontal line before the Submit button.
- If the checkbox has a label and no options, a long horizontal box appears.
- Number Slider field appearance.
- Smart Phone field does not display a list of countries when clicking the flag.
- TwentySeventeen and TwentyTwenty themes introduce style conflicts with Conversational Form pages.
- Image Choices field scrolling position is set incorrectly in a rare combination of image/screen size and field order.
- Date dropdown field processing issue.
- Focusing and positioning for Stripe CC field.
- Dropdown focusing issue on iPhone X and iPhone SE.
- A conditionally hidden field doesn't get focus if triggered to show by a Dropdown field.
- Field sub-Labels do not hide when enabling the "Hide Sub Label" option in Advanced Field Settings.
N/A Changelog