WPForms Conversational Forms Addon 1.15.0

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Download WPForms Conversational Forms Addon 1.15.0 from nulled fire. Conversational Forms by WPForms is a perfect Typeform alternative for WordPress
### Changed
- Minimum WPForms version supported is 1.8.3.

### Fixed
- Scrolling to the form error message was not working in some cases.
- Some deprecation notices were generated with PHP 8.2.
- Dropdowns on tablets and mobiles had 2 down-arrows.
### Added
- Compatibility with the upcoming WPForms Coupons addon release.
### Fixed
- Color Scheme setting value was missing from the color picker's input after the Form Builder page refresh.
- Color picker caused a broken conversational form page.
- Field after radio button or dropdown was not correctly selected.
- Font size for Single Item and Total fields now matches other fields.
- Certain buttons sometimes overlapped the Conversational Forms footer.
- Color schemes compatibility with the Rich Text field was improved.
- `{page_title}` smart tag was getting the incorrect title.
- Incorrect information was displayed in conversational form social previews.