WPForms Form Locker Addon 2.7.0

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Download WPForms Form Locker Addon 2.7.0 from nulled fire. WPForms’ Form Locker addon allows you to lock your WordPress forms with various permissions.
- Support for PHP 5.5 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.5, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing the new WPForms Form Locker. Failure to do that will disable the WPForms Form Locker plugin.

### Changed
- Minimum WPForms version supported is 1.7.5.
- Reorganized locations of 3rd party libraries.

### Fixed
- Restrict by email address didn't work if the Confirmation setting was enabled for the Email field.
- Form Scheduling datepickers didn't work if custom formats were set in the WordPress General Settings page.
- Smart Phone field that required a unique value didn't get validated.
### Changed
- Adjusted various styles on the Form Builder > Settings > Form Locker screen.

### Fixed
- Compatibility with WordPress Multisite installations.
- Start date should always be less than End date and vice versa.
- Correctly handle global site time format changes when rendering a form with Form Schedule enabled.
- Correctly handle time comparison in AM/PM format when setting Scheduling End Date if the user input is incorrect.
- Object cache was breaking Entry Limits logic.
### Added
- Age verification locker.
- Email verification locker.
- Entry limit based on user IP.
- Entry limit based on an email field value.
- Compatibility with WPForms 1.6.8 and the updated Form Builder.

### Changed
- Frontend UI enhancement when used with Conversational Forms addon.
- Improved compatibility with jQuery 3.5 and no jQuery Migrate plugin.
- Further improved selective JS script loading to take into account Form Locker settings.