WPForms Surveys and Polls Addon 1.13.0

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Download WPForms Surveys and Polls Addon 1.13.0 from nulled fire. The Most Beginner Friendly WordPress Survey Maker Plugin in the Market
### Changed
- Minimum WPForms version supported is
- Improve formatting of Likert Scale entries on the Entries List and Single Entry pages.

### Fixed
- Likert Scale field row/column labels are now updated in the Form Builder preview as you type.
- Reduced code complexity and replaced improperly used variable.
- Fallback Likert Scale wasn't working.
- Survey results were broken on mobile.
- Choices were not shown correctly when "Enable Poll Results" was used with dynamic choices for dropdown, checkbox and multiple choice fields.
### Changed
- Minimum WPForms version supported is

### Fixed
- WordPress 6.0 compatibility: Likert Scale and Net Promoter Score fields styling fixed inside the Full Site Editor.
- Improved compatibility with WordPress Multisite installations.
- Survey results were shown even if a form was no longer available.
### Changed
- Replaced `jQuery.ready()` function with recommended way since jQuery 3.0.

### Fixed
- The "Export Entries (CSV)" link in Survey Results page.