Fixes: Fixed an issue where an error message during the automatic translation review would automatically disappear without user interaction. Fixed an issue where the automatic trasnaltion review would display an obsolete, autosaved version of a translated post. Fixed an issue where a new job could be created when user is reviewing a job with the “needs_update” status. Fixed the following fatal error: InvalidArgumentException: element_id and type do not match. Fixed the following fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Unknown column: rid or invalid id: 0 when translating a post. Fixed an issue where jobs could be created with the “TP-ID = 0” status when sending jobs to a translation service. Fixed an issue with the review process being ignored for content that was already published. Fixed an issue with automatic jobs being stuck in certain scenarios. New Features: Added a troubleshooting option that allows using automatic translation when you have multiple domains linked to the same site. Object Caching Improvements: Fixed multiple issues with terms and object caching coming from terms_per_lang(). Fixed an issue where the “Calculating…” step could get stuck when sending jobs to automatic translation. Fixed an issue where new translators were couldn’t be selected on the Translation Basket page until the cache is cleared. Enhancements: Improved and reduced the number of queries for the translation status on the Posts listing page. Enhanced the capabilities for editors with correct language pairs so they can access translation that is translated by a different translator. Improved the API related to downloading XLIFF files for jobs retrieved from translation services.
Fixed an issue with a broken query when listing Translators and Translation Managers on a Multisite install. Reverted an optimization that was causing problems for reusing string translations in Classic Translation Editor.