Revamped the setup wizard, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing.
Added a preset format when adding a new secondary currency.
Improved the search box when adding a new currency to allow searching by currency code.
Fixed the “Install and activate” button on the notice when the site does not have WooCommerce Multilingual active yet.
Fixed the “quick edit” warning notice showing now in a modal on the products list screen.
Fixed the display of categories on home page when it only contains “display as translated” products.
Added a fix to prevent errors on WC_Order_Item_Product ::get_item_downloads when the order variable is false.
Fixed the endpoint slug translations when it contains a space.
Fixed an error related to third-party components when filtering breadcrumbs.
Fixed an issue with PHP undefined property notice on secondary language shop page with Avada theme.
Fixed an issue where translated product variations were displaying incorrect prices when attribute is zero (“0”).
Fixed a number of potential vulnerabilities.
Tested and declared compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS (High Performance Order Storage).
Introduced the filter hook wcml_product_variations_taxonomies_to_sync.
Updated the embedded OTGS Installer to version 3.1.0.