WPMU DEV - Branda (Ultimate Branding) 3.4.17

Download WPMU DEV - Branda (Ultimate Branding) 3.4.17 from nulled fire. With Ultimate Branding you can add, remove or change WordPress branding
- Add: Option to add a message above the login form.
- Add: Additional CSS configuration options for the subsite administrators.
- Add: Subsite configuration options for the "SMTP" module.
- Add: Option to configure the password protection message and the post title.
- Add: Option to hide the admin bar on the front-end depending on the current user role.
- Add: Option to preview the saved pages on the "Site Status Pages" module.
- Add: Options to configure the colours for the links in the cookie notice.
- Add: The crop option to the backgrounds.
- Add: WP Editor placeholders.
- Add: The Login form container control on the "Login Screen" module.
- Add: Value validation for the numbers, including minimum and maximum.
- Fix: Slideshows problem with many images on the login screen.
- Fix: Admin Bar item text and icon issue.
- Fix: A problem with the custom error messages on the login form.
- Fix: Hiding elements for role "administrator" by super-admin issue.
- Fix: An issue with the last page of the lists when all the items are deleted.
- Fix: A PHP warning when SVG image is chosen as logo on Login Screen.
- Fix: A problem with re-ordered Admin Bar.
- Fix: An issue with user add on the network admin when the "Signup Code" module is used.
- Fix: A problem with hiding the "Remember Me" checkbox.
- Fix: Logo width when an image is not from Media Library issue.
- Fix: A problem with user signup code: field was being shown on user registration form even when signup code was off.
- Fix: Visibility of "Branda" in Admin Bar on MultiSite installation when Branda is activated on main subsite.
- Fix: A problem with the Comments Control for the certain post types.
- Fix: An incoherence in the target on the Admin Bar module.
- Fix: A problem with using the "Tracking Codes" in WP Admin Panel.
- Fix: An issue with the countdown timer, hour selector was missing.
- Remove: Network option for the single sites in the "Admin Help" module.
- Improve: Code base of the modules: "Admin Tips", "Admin Messages", "Site Status Pages" and "Website Mode".
- Improve: Compatibility with the plugin "Domain Mapping" for the cross-domain autologin option.
- Improve: Error messages on the Add/Edit Custom Menu Item dialogue.
- Improve: Exclusion filters on the tracking code edit form.
- Improve: Icons for the background position.
- Improve: Labels on the "Website Mode" module.
- Improve: White-label WPMU DEV plugins integration.
- Improve: Saving the number of the Dashboard Feed items, now you can not save the negative values.
- Improve: Logo margins on the pages with logo.
- Improve: Vertical position of the elements in the "Cookie Notice" message.
- Remove: Sanitization from the Text Replacement rules to avoid the special characters changes.
- Update: Shared UI to version 2.3.29.
- Fixed a problem with logo height.
- Added an ability to disable override favicon.
- Added an ability to fetch data of Site title and feed URL on "Dashboard Feeds" module.
- Added an ability to force user role with signup codes.
- Added an ability to hide custom admin bar items on mobile.
- Added an ability to preview saved DB Error Page.
- Added an ability to reset the Widget Visibility list on "Dashboard Widgets" module.
- Added an ability to set login form shadow.
- Added auto-open "Choose a Template" on "Login Screen" module, when is no configuration.
- Added auto-regeneration `db-error.php` file "DB Error Page" module is imported.
- Added auto-regeneration site status files when "Site Status Pages" module is imported.
- Added check `is_admin_bar_showing()` to avoid load "Admin Bar".
- Added checking another SMTP plugins to show a warning and to allow import settings from a few of them.
- Added "Custom CSS" field to "Author Box" module.
- Added import "Logo", "Background" and "Favicon" images to current WordPress installation during import data process for modules: "Admin Bar", "DB Error Page", "Login Screen" "Site Status Pages" and "Website Mode".
- Added missing pagination for few modules.
- Added multiple signup codes.
- Added paddings to tips box.
- Added "Return-Path Header" to "From Headers" module.
- Added URL validation for social media profiles on "Author Box" module.
- Added WPMUDEV white-label settings.
- Changed background animation into pure CSS3 animation.
- Changed default state for "Custom entries" on "Admin Bar" module - now the default state is "Show".
- Confirmation button for sensitive actions was moved to the right.
- Deactivate Branda on subsites when it is network activated.
- Fixed a conflict with Divi Theme Visual Builder.
- Fixed a problem (only some themes) with avatar design configuration on "Author Box" module.
- Fixed a problem with case insensitive text replacement.
- Fixed a problem with changing tab after save.
- Fixed a problem with dashboard links to modules on MU install when Branda is activated on sub-site.
- Fixed a problem with data migration on "Cookie Notice" module. As a background was set to text colour.
- Fixed a problem with default image size in "Logo" field.
- Fixed a problem with dismissing/hide admin panel tips.
- Fixed a problem with entries without a title on entries list on "Author Box" module.
- Fixed a problem with external fonts.
- Fixed a problem with flashed backgrounds on the login screen.
- Fixed a problem with icon preview on mobiles.
- Fixed a problem with icons background in IE browser.
- Fixed a problem with images alignment on "Admin Message" module.
- Fixed a problem with login screen template chooses on IE.
- Fixed a problem with menu items visibility on "Admin Bar" module.
- Fixed a problem with missing menu bar items on mobile.
- Fixed a problem with missing settings during dialogue operation.
- Fixed a problem with no-proper login/out redirect, now Branda tries to add HTTP if there is not defined a protocol.
- Fixed a problem with regex on Windows path, added `wp_normalize_path()` function.
- Fixed a problem with reset single Tracking Code form.
- Fixed a problem with search site, the main site was excluded in modules "Images" and "Website Mode".
- Fixed a problem with showing correct, saved cookie expiration time value.
- Fixed a problem with the custom link on "Admin Bar".
- Fixed a problem with the link to WordPress registration settings for single site installation.
- Fixed a problem with wrong values on "Image Filesize Limit" fields.
- Fixed "Guest" access in "Admin Bar" module.
- Fixed icon colours on admin menu in "Color Schemes" module.
- Fixed incorrect number of available modules.
- Fixed missing functionality in the "Admin Bar" module, when a title is a URL, we should display it as an image.
- Fixed warning on a profile page, when module "Tips" is active.
- Improved "Add Custom Item" form on "Admin Bar" module - now the new item is visible for every role.
- Improved dialogue "Welcome Message" - it will be shown only once.
- Improved export file.
- Improved logo & background management, now it is removed when the user delete it from the media library.
- Improved module SMTP reset confirmation dialogue.
- Improved "Reset to default" button - it shows only when a module is not in the default state.
- Modules "Registration Email", "DB Error Page" & "Site Status Pages" on multisite are allowed now only on network activation.
- Moved messages into user options instead of site options.
- Prevented module "Dashboard Widgets" to load on front-end.
- Refactored code for field description.
- Refactored code on user edit profile for "Author Box" module.
- Refactored colour edit dialogue in "Color Schemes" module.
- Refactored display of single entry on "Dashboard Feeds" feed list.
- Removed deleted dashboard feed from available Dashboard Widgets.
- Removed G+ from available social accounts.
- Removed "Path Traversal" server-side vulnerability.
- Updated Shared UI to version 2.3.22.