- New: Module templates
- Enhance: Behavior when publishing and required fields are missing
- Enhance: Display the "Visibilty after opt-in" setting for informational modules
- Enhance: Always follow the "Visibilty after opt-in" setting for external forms
- Enhance: Make the "After opt-in" behavior work with all confirmation types on AJAX Gravity Form forms
- Fix: Automated emails not being sent by ConstantContact for Hustle subscriptions
- Fix: PHP notice when subscribing to Mailchimp in some scenarios
- Fix: "Scroll to" option in triggers not being saved
- Fix: PHP notices for modules not migrated from 4.1.0
- Fix: Popup's appearance on iOS 14.3 or greater
- Fix: Missing navigation in the wizard pages for mobiles
- Fix: Inserting placeholders for the automated email's date, time, and recipient not working
- Fix: Resetting the typography options trigger error notices on reload in some cases
- Fix: Compatibility issue with ACF's time field
- Fix: Compatibility issue with Oxygen builder
- Fix: Exit intent behavior having a wrong description
- Fix: After CTA click and after submission visibility cookies expiring with the current session
- Fix: "Hide on page/post" after subscription not working on the home page when it contains the latest posts