WPMU DEV - Multisite Theme Manager 1.1.6

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Download WPMU DEV - Multisite Theme Manager 1.1.6 from nulled fire. Create a better theme shopping experience for Multisite with Multisite Theme Manager.
Easily edit, label and manage themes on your Multisite network.

Try Multisite Theme Manager today!
  • Toggle to show or hide specific themes
  • Give the Theme page a custom title
  • Create a custom theme page layout
  • Display custom theme cover-images
  • Import/export custom layouts
  • Put themes into categories
Give the WordPress theme selector on your network a theme shop style makeover with custom images, titles, descriptions, labels, CSS styling and category sorting.
Customize each individual theme and the overall theme selector from one simple interface. Create a better theme shopping experience for Multisite with Multisite Theme Manager.

Theme Browsing With Style
Give the overall look and feel of Theme browsing on your network a makeover. Hide tags and author information to streamline design and white label presentation.

Rename the theme page and add custom copy without adjusting core code. Plus, create your own stylesheets for a fresh design that won’t break when updating your network.

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WPMU DEV - Multisite Theme Manager

(178.7 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By