Feat: Add safe mode for package migration, so that Shipper can work well on low-budget hosts.
Improvement: Speed up the API migration process.
Improvement: Add which file is successfully added to the zip archive and which doesn't in the shipper log.
Fix: On sub-site migration, all the media of other subsites are also getting exported.
Fix: Shipper eating up the whole server storage, and crashing the site.
Fix: After migration, the parent theme is getting activated instead of the child theme.
Fix: WPMU DEV user is unable to add new users in Shipper.
Fix: Fatal error on running installer.php on PHP 5.6 sites in some edge cases.
Fix: If the domain mapping plugin is activated on the source site, the destination site gets down after migrating a subsite through package migration.
Fix: The error message is not styled properly on the package migration settings page.