WPMU DEV - Shipper Pro 1.2.15

Download WPMU DEV - Shipper Pro 1.2.15 from nulled fire. Shipper Pro moves WordPress Websites from host to host, local to production, development to live.
Improvement: Speedup package migration process.
Feat: Add logs to detect which table is exporting.
Fix: Exclude shipper-working dir by default on running installer.php on destination site.
Fix: If there are negative values in pagination settings then Large files are not showing on the Preflight screen.
Fix: Pagination result count is not correct when the filter is applied on the preflight check.
Fix: Both Shipper and Whitelabel logo are showing up on the preflight check of API migration.
Fix: Package migration fails on local by flywheel sites.
Fix: Skip WordPress default meta_key transformation on Package Migration.
- Improvement: Speed up database task for package migration.
- Improvement: Change API Migration connect to WPMU DEV experience.
- Fix: Shipper doesn't show all the sub-sites to choose from and search field doesn't work.
- Fix: Back button is not working on the Ready to Ship page.
- Fix: Package migration fails when the source site has duplicator plugin installed.
- Fix: The migration date-time on the dashboard doesn't match with the current timezone.
- Fix: Typo in export and import succession email.
- Fix: Some text is not visible in high contrast mode on the Permission page.
- Fix: Cancellation on pre-flight issues screen, bring back pre-flight check to 99%.
- Fix: Documentation link is missing in package migration and settings Page.
Add: Migrate a subsite from a multisite network to a single site
Add: Highlight new features in the welcome modal
Improvement: Update SUI to the latest version (2.9.6)
Fix: Shipper is loading itself on every page load in wp-admin and on the frontend
Fix: Shipper using up all the disk space
Fix: Deleted admin user is able to access Shipper plugin
Fix: Some sites are not showing up on the site selection modal when the user has more than 20 websites
Fix: Package migration fails due to MySQL can not compare float like value
Fix: Exclude large file doesn't work on flywheel site