WPMU DEV - WP Defender Pro 4.7.1

Download WPMU DEV - WP Defender Pro 4.7.1 from nulled fire. Defender is the analyst and enforcer that never sleeps.
Fix: Masked Login Area not working in some cases
Fix: Hub redirect to 404 page when Masked Login Area enabled
Fix: Fatal version on WordPress 5.2 and earlier
New: Notifications section - centralized manager for all notifications and reports
New: Onboarding which will replace the old quick setup and enable everything that is recommended
New: New: Bulk behavior for Security Recommendations - resolve/ignore almost everything with a single click
New: Improving Security Recommendations UI/UX
New: 2FA with Authy and Microsoft Authenticator
New: Highlight new features in welcome modal
Enhance: Better UI/UX and performance for Malware Scanning
Fix: The Audit Logging widget on the dashboard doesn’t show the correct report status
Fix: The custom message in Login Lockout doesn’t apply when an IP is banned by using a banned username
Fix: Conflict with WP Fastest Cache makes revert buttons show incorrectly
Fix: Warning with PHP 7.2.x
Fix: The username search in Audit Logging doesn’t work