* New: Switch to Cancelled bulk action for payments
* Tweak: improved uninstall procedure
* Tweak: rel nofollow to anchors with query strings
* Tweak: improved click handling for users that does not have yith_wcaf_click_enabled option registered in db
* Update: .pot file
* Update: Dutch version
* Update: plugin-fw
* Fix problem translation on dashboard-withdraw template
* Fix: affiliates not being auto-enaled after registration
* Fix: minimum withdraw conditions
* Dev: New action 'yith_wcaf_after_set_cookie'
* Dev: filter yith_wcaf_payment_table_column_default
* Dev filter yith_wcaf_payments_table_get_columns
* Dev: Fixed action 'yith_wcaf_after_set_cookie'
* Dev: Added new parameters in do_action 'woocommerce_email_header' and 'woocommerce_email_footer' for new affiliate email