* New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Tweak: improved WPML metabox handling
* Tweak: added option to skip sanitization of url parameters
* Fix: pass all slugs to rawurldecode before printing them as HTML
* Fix: pass all terms coming from query string to sanitize_title
* Fix: possible error when adding all terms on backend filter
* Fix: prevent possible js error when not using Instant Filters
* Fix: method that tests orderby param is now able to detect price-desc
* Fix: wrong text domain on a couple of strings
* Fix: price slider font-family
* Fix: cast both property-to-remove and term-slug to string before comparison, to avoid errors when deactivating filters
* Dev: added method to retrieve original post in Preset object
* Dev: added filter yith_wcan_all_filters_label to allow third party code to change All label in select filters
* Dev: added trigger yith_wcan_filters_parameters
* Dev: added filter yith_wcan_is_filter_active