New: levels and badges feature to rank and reward your customers
New: shortcodes to show a ranking of the best customers that collected most points
New: banners feature to push users to collect more points on "My Account" page
New: points assignment rules that replace the old settings in product and category editors
New: points redeeming rules that replace the old settings in product and category editors
New: redesign of the admin panel
New: new action "Unban users" inside the Customer Points > Bulk Actions tab
New: Customer Points > Shortcodes tab to copy the plugin shortcodes to show a list of your customers' points
New: option to calculate points considering product price with taxes included or excluded for points assignment and points redeeming
New: extra points for the first daily login to daily reward the users whenever they log in
New: extra points for completed profile to incentivize the users to complete all their profile fields on "My Account" page
New: extra points for referrals to reward the users for every new user registered through their referral link
New: extra points for referrals purchase to reward the users for every purchase made by users that have been referred through their referral link
New: extra points for users who collect the most points in the week or month
New: extra points for users that achieve specific levels
New: "minimum discount users can get" option for the percentage discount reward conversion method
New: integration with YITH WooCommerce Membership plugin
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: Totally refactoring code