* New: support for WooCommerce 4.1
* New: prevent some UserAgents from triggering wishlist handling (avoid spam)
* New: added minor css fixes for Storefront theme
* New: added option to choose whether to automatically close feedback popup or not
* Update: plugin framework
* Tweak: added product_url placeholder for promotional email body
* Tweak: review add process, to avoid unnecessary items update
* Tweak: items are now counted per ID instead of user_id
* Tweak: show variation attributes on Popular table
* Tweak: changed 'Price' by 'Unit price' on wishlist modern view
* Tweak: improved localized date on wishlist table
* Tweak: added wishlist as gutenberg block in new wishlist page
* Tweak: added "Wishlist page" post status
* Tweak: added new check to avoid "Cannot read property contains of undefined" error
* Tweak: added search box to All Wishlist view
* Tweak: added default values for email contents on plugin options
* Tweak: user can now delete also default wishlist
* Tweak: minor changes to 'manage modern' layout
* Tweak: added view > and close links to confirmation popup
* Fix: solved issue with item counts, when filtering per product
* Fix: fixed billing last name value on 'promotional', 'on sale' and 'back in stock' emails
* Fix: show remove button on list mobile when at least one of the two buttons is shown on desktop
* Fix: notice due to undefined widgets attributes
* Fix: fatal error on empty wishlist page
* Fix: added some checks to avoid fatal errors in back in stock email
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_create_wishlist_button_label filter
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_wishlist_download_url filter
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_is_wishlist_responsive filter, to allow developers disable responsive behaviour for the wishlist
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_generated_default_wishlist action
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_default_wishlist filter
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_add_notice wrapper function, to avoid possible fatal errors when calling wc_add_notice