YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium 3.31.0

Download YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium 3.31.0 from nulled fire. YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium allows you to add Wishlist functionality to your e-commerce.
Tweak: use wp_kses_post instead of esc_html for browse wishlist text
Update: plugin framework
Tweak: avoid redirect for guest users if wishlist page is set to my-account
Tweak: allow popup timeout to be filtered via code
Tweak: using yith_wcwl_l10n.popup_timeout for wishlist messages too
Tweak: minor improvements to localization
Tweak: promotion email preview can now be scrolled
Tweak: update wrong text domains
Tweak: changed default value for ATW icons
Tweak: set wishlist session cookie JIT
Tweak: use secure cookie for sessions, when possible (thanks to Ahmed)
Tweak: improved cache handling for get_default_wishlist method
Tweak: even if system cannot set session cookie, calculate session_id and use it for the entire execution
Tweak: improved privacy labels for the wishlists
Update: Italian language
Update: plugin framework
Fix: prevent error if list doesn't exists
Fix: issue with wishlist_id query param
Fix: items query now search for product in original language
Fix: Create promotion button for single products view
Fix: fatal error after saving promotional email draft
Fix: prevent fatal error when sending Promotional Email
Fix: returning correct wishlist and user id to yith_wcwl_added_to_wishlist and yith_wcwl_removed_from_wishlist actions (thanks to danielbitzer)
Fix: issue with default value for yith_wcwl_positions option
Fix: ask an estimate label not being shown on frontend
Fix: added key name to avoid DB error during install or update procedure
Dev: added yith_wcwl_shortcode_share_link_url filter
Dev: added yith_wcwl_popup_timeout filter
* New: support for WooCommerce 3.9
* Update: plugin framework
* Tweak: register original product id instead of translated one, when saving item in DB
* Fix: customer not being redirected to cart after clicking Add to Cart button in wishlist