Yoast WooCommerce SEO Premium 16.5

Download Yoast WooCommerce SEO Premium 16.5 from nulled fire. Yoast WooCommerce SEO combines the strongest SEO plugin with the best ecommerce plugin.
Adds support for the new priceSpecification schema type format introduced by WooCommerce 9.5.0.

Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 24.1.
Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 6.7.
Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 6.5.
* add - Adds the ability to set a page as the designated return policy page, which gets added in the structured data graph.
* fix - Fixes a bug where `wp_get_attachment_image_src` gets called with a non-existing image id, thus returning `false` instead of an array.
* fix - Fixes a bug where the feedback for the _SKU_ assessment would not be translated when the SKU was missing.
* update - Sets the _WordPress tested up to_ version to 6.6.
* update - Sets the minimum required Yoast SEO version to 23.5.
* update - Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 6.4.