Are you sure? did you tried to import demo?21.6.2: Demos and Plugins are missing.
Yes, from now the demos are imported normaly like you have license.No I dont Apanha. Normaly in the past you have always included all the demos in the zip. Is this changed in version 21.6.2 ?
Yeah, this method works also for the theme The7Great news. Thanks for advice![]()
Will update soon. I'm not on my PC nowBeTheme 21.7 is now with:
- Elementor Compatibility
- 35 Elementor widgets: Article box, Before after, Blockquote, Blog, Blog news, Blog slider, Blog teaser, Call to action, Chart, Clients, Code, Contact box, Countdown, Counter, Fancy heading, Feature box, Flat box, Halper, Hover box, Hover color, How it works, Icon box, List, Opening hours, Our team, Photo box, Portfolio, Portfolio grid, Pricing item, Promo box, Quick fact, Sliding box, Story box, Trailer box, Zoom box
- Elementor pre-built website: Finance 2, Consultant