- Seller
- #31
Apanha updated Gravity Perks - Nested Forms to Version: 1.0-beta-7.1
Read the Changelog... for Version: 1.0-beta-7.1
Read the Changelog... for Version: 1.0-beta-7.1
Added full integration with GravityView.
Added support for exporting child entries alongside their parent entry.
Added resopnsive styling and implemented a new modal experience.
Added 'gpnf_entry_limit_min' and 'gpnf_entry_limit_max' WordPress filters.
Added merge tag modifiers to merge tag selector for calculation-enabled fields.
Added message when max entry limit is reached.
Added security enhancement.
Added is_gravityview() helper method.
Added support for admins and users with the...
Gravity Perks (Gravity Wiz) 2.3.14
Gravity Forms
Gravity Flow (GravityFlow)
Gravity Forms User Registration Addon
Gravity Perks - Populate Anything