Yoast SEO Premium 23.1 23.1

Download Yoast SEO Premium 23.1 from nulled fire. Yoast SEO Premium is the most powerful and comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin on the market.


Hey, guys! Thanks for the 4.4 update!

Starting from this update, the message "Warning! You didn't set your Yoast SEO Premium license key yet, which means you're missing out on updates and support! Enter your license key or get a license here." started showing up across all my admin area.

Do you know how I can remove that? I've been using the plugin "Remove Yoast SEO Premium and Visual Composer License Nag" but it seems that it's not working anymore.


Staff member
Hey, guys! Thanks for the 4.4 update!

Starting from this update, the message "Warning! You didn't set your Yoast SEO Premium license key yet, which means you're missing out on updates and support! Enter your license key or get a license here." started showing up across all my admin area.

Do you know how I can remove that? I've been using the plugin "Remove Yoast SEO Premium and Visual Composer License Nag" but it seems that it's not working anymore.
Hello @bazinga ,i missed to remove the warn before the update and i did later.If you re-download the license warn not exist


Hi thanks for the reply!

I've just redownloaded but the message is still there.

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