Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2

Download Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2 from nulled fire. Simplify and Organize the Admin Menu
WordPress Toolbar Editor to v1.3.2

= 1.3.2 =
* Fixed a bug where certain Toolbar items like "Edit with Elementor" could end up in the wrong place after activating the plugin.
WP Toolbar editor addon 1.3.1
* Fixed some layout issues in RTL environments.
* Changed the position of new and unrecognized Toolbar nodes. Now the add-on will attempt to keep them near their initial location instead of moving them to the end of the Toolbar.
* Tested up to WP 5.3.
  • Fixed a bug where the “highlight new menus” feature could keep certain top level menus permanently highlighted when some of their submenus were hidden via CSS/JS.
  • Updated the appearance of plugin settings pages to match the admin CSS changes introduced in WordPress 5.3.