Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Improvement: When using specific themes, the navigation sub-tabs from the "CSS & JS Manager" were overwritten by the theme's style (added unique references to the HTML classes)
* Improvement: Clear cache after "Plugin Manager" form is submitted (some plugins might load specific assets, and a cache clearing is recommended)
* Fix: After a theme is switched, there's sometimes a browser error showing up related to multiple failed redirects
* Fix: Sometimes, the verification of a valid URL fails (e.g., and its size is not show in the CSS/JS manager
* Fix: PHP Warning - Undefined array key "within_conditional_comments" in [...]/wp-content/plugins/wp-asset-clean-up-pro/pro/classes/PositionsPro.php on line 245
* Added the option to load an asset as an exception on all taxonomy / author pages / e.g. when a site-wide unloading rule is set, you can make a load exception and load the asset on all "category" taxonomy pages
* Make sure the red background is kept whenever a load exception is unchecked if there was already an unloading rule set (this is more for aesthetics reasons)
* Prevent possible is_file() errors whenever minify CSS/JS is enabled
* Whenever the following option is enabled, the META generator tags are stripped faster after being cached: 'HTML Source CleanUp' -- 'Remove All "generator" meta tags?'
* If the menu from the sidebar is not showing up, make sure that "Asset CleanUp Pro" from "Settings" (Dashboard sidebar) is always highlighted, whenever a plugin page is visited
* Change the way the plugin submenu is created to avoid, in some environments, errors such as the following one: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /wordpress/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 2012"
* Hardcoded assets: When altering any hardcoded asset, make sure that prior to this, only the assets that are needed are fetched to save resources (e.g. if only LINK tags have to be altered, do not fetch at all any SCRIPT tags)
* Fix: Sometimes errors were showing up related to bulk unloads whenever the CSS/JS manager was updated