Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Hardcoded assets: They can be moved from <HEAD> to <BODY> and vice-versa just like the enqueued assets
* Hardcoded assets: Can be preloaded, loaded based on the media query, deferred/asynched just like the enqueued assets (for <SCRIPT> tags with the "src" attribute & <LINK> tags with the "href" attribute)
* Hardcoded assets' sorting: The assets are now sorted based on the option chosen in "Assets List Layout:" (e.g. if you sort them by their size, you can view the hardcoded assets from the largest one to the the smallest)
* Styling Improvement: Anything from "Settings" related to removal of something (e.g. Google Fonts) has a new style of the switcher (the styled checkbox), now showing a dark red background; This looks the same as the one from the CSS/JS manager for "Unload on this page".
* Fix: If the following option is set to "Standard" (from "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Accessibility"), make sure that the rule applies to any form field from the plugin, including the <SELECT> one
* Fix: Error message: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given in [...]/wpacu.php:185 / This triggered whenever the "page" query string was used as an array / e.g. /wp-admin/admin.php?page[]=value
* "WPML Multilingual CMS" plugin compatibility: Whenever CSS/JS are managed within a category/tag (taxonomy type) or a custom one such as "product_cat" from WooCommerce, the changes made on a page level (e.g. unloading a CSS file on a specific category) will also reflect on any of its associated translated taxonomies / e.g. changes for English - /product-category/clothing/ - will also apply for Spanish: /es/product-category/ropa/
* "GTranslate" plugin compatibility: The JavaScript handle starting from "gt_widget_script_" and having a random number on each page reload gets an alias ("gt_widget_script_gtranslate") to avoid misinterpretation that the asset is a different one on each page reload (this way it could be unloaded, preloaded, etc.)
* More options (in order to be prevented from loading on specific pages, if necessary) were added to the drop-down here: "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Do not load on specific pages" -- "Prevent specific features from Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering on specific pages"
* Fix: Sometimes the "src" value was detected incorrectly on hardcoded assets due to the fact that the string "src=" was inside document.write() within the <SCRIPT> tags (which had no "src" attribute at all) / e.g. <script type="text/javascript">console.log('test'); document.write('<scri' + 'pt src="//path-to-specific-file.js"></sc' + 'ript>');</script>
* New Option: "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" - "Do not load on specific pages" -- "Prevent specific features from Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering on specific pages"; This allows you to stop triggering specific plugin features on certain pages (e.g. you might want to prevent combining JavaScript files on all /product/ (WooCommerce) pages due to some broken functionality on those specific pages)
* Combined CSS/JS improvements: Whenever a file from a plugin or a theme is updated by the developer/admin, there's no need to clear the cache afterwards, as sometimes, users forget about this; the plugin automatically recognizes the change and a new combined CSS/JS is created and re-cached
* Improvement: Fallback for clearing CSS/JS cache when using the top admin bar link; it will just trigger by reloading the page if, for any reason, Asset CleanUp Pro functions fail to load there (e.g. in rare cases, plugin/theme developers prevent 3rd party assets to load on their admin pages for various reasons); this fallback is triggering on admin pages unrelated Asset CleanUp Pro's plugin pages (e.g. a settings page of a different plugin)