Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* "Plugins Manager" - A new option was added to both "IN FRONTEND VIEW (your visitors)" and "IN THE DASHBOARD /wp-admin/" (in case it's activated, as it's a special feature) to disregard all rules from taking effect in case there are issues with any plugin rules for debugging purposes (any rules placed there will be kept as they are; this feature will just instruct Asset CleanUp Pro to not take them into consideration)
* Cache Clearing: Whenever the caching is cleared within any plugin page through the available links (from the top admin bar and the top right side of the plugin's area) a notification about the action is shown with a preloader until the cache is cleared (the page doesn't reload as the cache clearing is made in the background)
* If "Input Fields Style:" is set to "Standard" (for people having difficulties accessing the fancy input fields) within "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Accessibility", the setting will also apply to jQuery Chosen drop-downs, turning them into regular HTML drop-downs (with either one or multiple options to choose from)
* "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences": Re-organised the tab contents from into multiple sub-tabs for easier access and understanding the options
* Added the option to make the browser download the file only if its current media query is matched (in case the "media" attribute is different from "all")
* Improvement: In very rare cases in the "options" table, if "page_on_front" has a value and "show_on_front" is set to "posts" (this happens when there's an incomplete update of the settings in the database), it will confuse Asset CleanUp Pro and consider that "Your homepage displays" is actually set to "A static page" which is wrong
* Fix: An error was showing when the admin accessed the "License" page