Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Improvement: The plugin is optimised to load fewer functions then before (e.g. PHP classes that aren't required on the targeted page) in order to reduce the total front-end optimization time
* "WooCommerce" plugin compatibility: Avoid using extra resources in Asset CleanUp Pro to process specific CSS files (they are loading after the latest WooCommerce plugin release) that are already minified
* Fix: In specific environments that loaded similar code to the one from Asset CleanUp Pro, errors were showing up, thus more uniqueness had to be added to avoid conflicts such as unique PHP namespaces
* "Plugins Manager": Added option to unload or load as an exception plugins if the current logged-in user has a specific role (e.g. administrator, subscriber, editor, shop manager, etc.) / read more: How to unload or only load whole plugins if the logged-in user has a certain role? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation
* "GiveWP" plugin compatibility: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from loading whenever the URI is like /give/donation-form?giveDonationFormInIframe=1 as the page loaded within the iFrame is already optimized and there are users that had problems when Asset CleanUp Pro was triggering its rules there
* "GiveWP" plugin compatibility: Prevent CSS/JS minification as the files are already optimized and there's no point in wasting extra resources
* Dashboard: Whenever the clear caching link is used, after the clearance, a notice is shown to the admin about this and the clearance date and time
* Fix: Make sure 'post__in' is never empty when called within a WP_Query whenever a post search is made within "CSS & JS Manager" -- "Manage CSS/JS"
* Plugin Settings: Replaced text that sometimes caused confusion (e.g. some people didn't notice the small "if" and thought their caching directory is not writable)
* WordPress 6.3 compatibility: Updated the code to avoid the following notice: "Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0"
* "WPML Multilingual CMS" plugin compatibility: Whenever "Unload on the homepage" is used in "Plugins Manager" (or a load exception rule), the rule will apply for any language that is set (e.g.,,
* "Site Kit by Google" plugin compatibility: JavaScript files from this plugin are added to the ignore list to avoid minifying as they are already minified (with just a few extra comments) and minifying them again, due to their particular structure, resulted in JS errors in the browser's console
* Improvement: Changed the name of the cached files to make them more unique as sometimes, handles that had UNIX timestamps and random strings (developers use them for various reason, including debugging), were causing lots of redundant files to be generated in the assets' caching directory
* Added jQuery Migrate script to the ignore list to avoid minifying it (along with jQuery leave it as it is, if the developer decided to load the large versions of the files, for debugging purposes)
* "Plugins Manager": Added extra queries to the ignoring list when unloading (or loading as an exception) the homepage (e.g. will be treated like; If there's a query that is not within the ignore list, the URL won't be considered a homepage: (even if "nocache" is in the ignore list, "ajax-action" isn't and this suggests that an action is taking place and the URL is not actually the regular homepage that is visited)
* Fix: Use the same "chmod" values from FS_CHMOD_DIR and FS_CHMOD_FILE (WordPress constants) for all the files and directories from the assets' caching directory when attempting to create a file/directory to avoid permission errors on specific environments