* Improvement: Removed unwanted parameters from rest API request.
* Improvement: Importing all the portfolio items. Recently we have imported only 100 sites at a time due to WordPress have 100 item limit for each request.
* Fix: Updated default values of shortcode parameter `other-category-show-all` and `category-show-all` which is used to show `All` from the category and other categories respectively.
* Fix: PHP warning while bulk updating portfolio items.
* New: Added call to action for the single page portfolio type.
* New: Added translation files support. The translation files are load from the `/language/` directory.
* New: Added shortcode param `category-show-all` to hide/show the `All` from the category. E.g. [wp_portfolio category-show-all="no"] it hide the `All` from the category.
* New: Added shortcode param `other-category-show-all` to hide/show the `All` from the other category. E.g. [wp_portfolio other-category-show-all="no"] it hide the `All` from the other category.
* New: Added shortcode param `quick-view-text` to change the "Quick View" text. Default: 'Quick View'. E.g. `[wp_portfolio quick-view-text="Preview"]` It changes the "Quick View" text with "Preview".
* New: Added shortcode param `show-quick-view` to show/hide the quick preview button. Use values yes/no to show/hide the button. Default: 'yes'. E.g. `[wp_portfolio show-quick-view="no"]` It hide the quick view button.
* Fix: Generated the invalid portfolio if we duplicate it from the BB template.
* Fix: Elementor demo site scale on iPhone safari device.
* Fix: Portfolio item unlist if it created with BB duplicate layout option.
* New: Introducing options 'Items Per Page' & 'Show Portfolio On' to show the portfolio items on click on button or on page scroll.
* New: Added filter `astra_portfolio_default_portfolio_type` to set the default portfolio type when we add new portfolio item. Valid types - page, image, video, iframe.
* New: Added localize variable `scrollToTop` to disable the scroll to top on click on category link. We can use filter `astra_portfolio_shortcode_localize_vars` to enable/disable it.
* Improvement: Added CSS class of current opened portfolio item and its type to the iFrame.
* Improvement: Showing the portfolio menu for edit_posts capability users.
* Improvement: Category does not highlighted on click on other category.
* Improvement: Used get_rest_url() instead of site_url() to get the rest api URL.